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Deer season extended

Voters still face important decisions in municipal races

Published 6:00 am Monday, March 7, 2005

Following Friday’s qualifying deadline, at least half ofBrookhaven’s current elected leadership – including all citywideofficials – can look forward to full four-year terms in office.

It is apparent that citizens are confident in the leadershipbeing provided by Mayor Bob Massengill, City Clerk Mike Jinks,Police Chief Pap Henderson, Alderman at large Les Bumgarner andWard Four Alderwoman Shirley Estes. The officials have demonstrateda strong ability to work together and we expect that to continueover the next four years.

While citywide offices and the city’s largest ward alderman posthave been decided, we must echo Massengill’s comments about theimportance of other races on this year’s ballot.

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Even though the major races are foregone conclusions, votersmust not become apathetic. We encourage citizens to take aninterest in this year’s elections, ask questions of the candidatesrequesting your vote and then make your decisions accordingly.

Party primaries are scheduled for May 3, with runoffs whereneeded on May 17, and the general election is June 7.

Aldermen represent their wards on the city board to ensure thatcitizens have a voice in city government. The board, as a whole,sets the direction for the city’s future.

It is vital for the Brookhaven’s continued success that we havegood, qualified individuals at the helm.