School board questions teachers’ supply lists
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, March 8, 2005
The Lincoln County School Board on Monday night was againconfronted with school supply lists they deemed inappropriate.
Kindergarten teachers at all county campuses submitted theirsupply lists early “to try and get the jump on next year,” saidSuperintendent Terry Brister. Their plan is to send the list forthe 2005-2006 school year home with students before school lets outfor summer.
Board members lauded the teachers’ foresight but questioned theinconsistency in the submitted lists. No two lists were the same.In addition, one estimated parents’ cost at $25, two at $10 and onedid not have an estimate.
“We went through this last year didn’t we?” asked BoardPresident Joann Holmes, who represents the Bogue Chitto area.
Prior to the 2004-2005 school year, board members questioned thenumber and type of supplies teachers required parents to purchasefor students. They also were concerned with the cost of suppliesthe district was passing on to parents.
However, when the board received the supply lists for approval,it was too late to make any adjustments and still be able toprovide the lists to parents before schools opened.
The superintendent said the lists already had been pared down bythe schools’ principals and members of the central office.
“We already cut out a lot of things,” Brister said.
Monday night, board members not only questioned the need forsome of the supplies but also asked why the lists were sodifferent.
“If you want one general list for all the county (for eachgrade), we can do that. It just takes time,” Brister said.
This year, board members said, they had the time.
“We need one a little more standardized,” said District TwoBoard Member Johnny Hart, who represents the Loyd Star andEnterprise areas.