Promoter arrested on booze charges
Published 6:00 am Monday, March 21, 2005
A Brookhaven man was arrested on alcohol and beer possessioncharges Saturday night prior to a rap concert at the National GuardArmory, said Vince Elchos, enforcement agent for the stateAlcoholic Beverage Control.
Nathaniel Tillman, 32, of 2714 James Dr., was arrested after ABCagents and Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department deputies executed asearch warrant around 10 p.m. Elchos said Tillman was in charge ofa promotion which had rented the armory, on Highway 84, for aconcert featuring Paul Wall, of Texas.
“We had received a tip that alcohol would be for sale during theevent,” Elchos said.
Elchos said an undercover agent made a purchase. Authoritiesthen obtained and executed a search warrant.
Approximately 70 beer and 10 liquor containers were seized.
Tillman was charged with possession of liquor and possession ofbeer in a dry county. He was later released from jail on a $1,000bond, Elchos said.
Elchos estimated that several hundred people had shown up forthe concert.
Elchos and Sheriff Wiley Calcote acknowledged rumors there mayhave been strippers at the event. However, they said there was noevidence of such activity.
“I didn’t see them, and there was no arrest made on that,”Calcote said.
In other activity, Calcote said authorities are expecting anarrest to be made following a Saturday night altercation at anapartment building on Zetus Road. The sheriff said a vehicle’swindows were knocked out during the disturbance.
“One was shot out, and one was broken out,” Calcote said.
Calcote said authorities were called to the scene after the factand he had no further information on the incident. He said he wasawaiting charges being filed.
“Hopefully, at that time, an arrest will be made,” Calcotesaid.