2 hurt, baby dies following auto accident

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Wesson woman who was seven months pregnant deliveredprematurely and the baby died Monday, following a one-car accidenton Highway 84 in Franklin County, Mississippi Highway Patrol StaffSgt. Rod Crawford said.

Joyce Allen, 22, was thrown from a 1997 Kia Sportage driven byJessie L. Wilson, 35, of Brookhaven, after the vehicle left theroadway and overturned Monday night. The accident happened aboutthree miles west of Meadville.

Allen and Wilson were taken to Franklin County MemorialHospital, where Wilson was treated for moderate injuries, Crawfordsaid.

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Allen was transferred to the University of Mississippi MedicalCenter.

Her unborn child was pronounced dead at 9 p.m. Allen was listedin critical condition Tuesday, Crawford said.

Neither Wilson nor Allen was wearing a seat belt when theaccident happened, Crawford said.