Obituaries for Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Herman Henderson

Services for Herman Henderson, of Brookhaven, are 2 p.m.Thursday, April 7 at Center Street Church of Christ with burial inHillcrest Cemetery.

Family hour is from 6-7 p.m. at Williams Mortuary.

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Mr. Henderson, 80, died April 4, 2005, at his residence. He wasborn in Lincoln County on April 8, 1924, to Walter Henderson andPinkie Markham Henderson.

He was retired from Phillips Brothers Lumber Company after 45years of service. He was a member of Second Baptist Church for 60years.

Preceding him in death were his parents; his first wife, GoldaMae Henderson; his stepdaughter, Jewel Sutton; his brothers, EdgarLee Henderson, Leon Henderson, Arlustra Henderson Sr. and EvinsHenderson Sr.; and his sisters, Lenora “L.C.” Bell and MaryGlasper.

Survivors are his wife, Margaret O. Henderson, of Brookhaven;his stepsons, Henry Oliver and Calvin Oliver, both of Brookhaven,and Curtis Oliver, of Memphis; his brothers, Walter Henderson Jr.and Willie Lee Henderson, both of Brookhaven; his sister, AdaBessie Banks, of Caseyville; 11 grandchildren and 11great-grandchildren.

Ferdie Wright Gentiles

Final services for Ferdie Wright Gentiles, of Baton Rouge, are 2p.m. Friday, April 8 at Rabenhorst Funeral Home East Chapel inBaton Rouge with burial in Resthaven Gardens of Memory in BatonRouge.

Visitation is today from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at New SalemBaptist Church in McCall Creek with a service at 2 p.m. Visitationwill also be held Thursday from 5-9 p.m. and Friday after 10 the funeral home in Baton Rouge.

Mrs. Gentiles, 93, died April 5, 2005, at Summit Hospital.

She was a native of Franklin County and was a school bus driverwith the East Baton Rouge Parish Schools for 20 years. She was amember of New Salem Baptist Church.

Preceding her in death were her parents, James F. and AddieCotten Wright; her husband, Anthony “Tony” Gentiles; her son,Joseph F. Gentiles; her grandson, Danny Gentiles; her sister, EvaW. Golson; and her son-in-law, Robert Nichols.

Survivors are her daughter, Eva G. Nichols, of Baton Rouge; herson, Tommy W. Gentiles and his wife, Olivia M. Gentiles, of DenhamSprings; her daughter-in-law, Madeline R. Gentiles, of McCallCreek; 11 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and 10great-great-grandchildren.

Francies Elizabeth McFarland

Services for Francies Elizabeth McFarland, of Bude, are 2 p.m.Thursday, April 7 at Franklin Funeral Home with burial in MidwayCemetery. The Reverend Webb Armstrong and the Rev. Billy Howse willofficiate services.

Visitation is today from 5-8 p.m. and Thursday from 8 until 2p.m. at the funeral home.

Mrs. McFarland, 101, died April 5, 2005, at Meadville NursingHome. She was born in Franklin County on Jan. 25, 1904, to AllenEzell and Lonie Laird Ezell.

She was a homemaker. She was a member of Sarepta BaptistChurch.

Preceding her in death were her husband, Allen McFarland; andfour children, Earlene Alderman, Winfield McFarland, HaroldMcFarland and Lucille Ledlow.

Survivors are her daughter, Myrt Reeves, of McComb; her sons,Ralph McFarland and his wife, Dorothy, of Meadville, GeorgeMcFarland and his wife, Joy, of Natchez, and Carroll Laird and hiswife, Sandra, of Vicksburg; numerous grandchildren,great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be her grandsons.

Katy Jean O’Neal

Services for Katy Jean O’Neal, of Bude, are 2 p.m. today, April6 at Bude Baptist Church with burial in Midway Cemetery. CommunityFuneral Services is in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. O’Neal, 65, died April 4, 2005, at her residence. She wasborn in Franklin County on May 17, 1939, to Harvey A. Nettles andMary Wactor Nettles.

She was a waitress at Western Sizzlin and was self-employed. Shewas a member of the Baptist faith.

Preceding her in death were her parents; one daughter; twosisters; one brother; and a stepson.

Survivors are her husband, Charles O’Neal, of Bude; herdaughters, Wanda M. Rollins, of Bude, and Kathy Stroud, of Roxie;her sons, James A. Perkins, of Natchez, and Larry W. Perkins, ofMeadville; her brothers, Rayford Nettles and Charles Nettles, bothof Brookhaven; 10 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and ahost of friends.

Edgar Steve Smith

Private services will be held for Edgar Steve Smith, ofBrookhaven. Riverwood Family Funeral Service is in charge ofarrangements.

Mr. Smith, 54, died April 5, 2005, at his residence. He was bornin Brookhaven on Jan. 23, 1951, to Cedric Hugh Smith and DorisWalker Bessonette.

He served in the Army and was a member of Faith River BaptistChurch. He attended Southwest Mississippi Community College.

Preceding him in death was his father.

Survivors are his mother; his wife, Rebecca Darlene Durr Smith;his daughters, Nicole Howard and Jessica Smith, both of Brookhaven,and Lisa Crymes, of Cullman, Ala.; his son, Zercon Smith, ofJackson; his brothers, Michael Hugh Smith, of Brookhaven, and KevinBessonette, of Florence; his grandchildren, Isabella Smith, AlyssaBeard and Felicity Howard.