Obituaries for Monday, April 11, 2005

Published 5:00 am Monday, April 11, 2005

Laura Fulton

Services for Laura Fulton, of Chicago, are 11 a.m. Wednesday,April 13 at Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Fayette withburial in Pine Grove Cemetery in Fayette. R.E. Tyler Funeral Homeis in charge of arrangements.

Visitation is Wednesday from 10-11 a.m. at the hall.

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Mrs. Fulton, 102, died April 4, 2005, at Mercy Hospital inChicago. She was born in Fayette on August 31, 1902, to Lloyd Greenand Lucinda Doss.

She was a homemaker.

Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, CharlieFulton Sr.; her son, Albert Fulton; four sisters; and threebrothers.

Survivors are her daughters, Mary Stampley, of Chicago, LillianDunmore, of Los Angeles, and Mosana Jackson, of Baker, La.; hersons, Warren Fulton and Moses Fulton, both of Baton Rouge, CharlieFulton Jr. and Joseph Fulton, both of Chicago; her sister, RosaPerryman, of Fayette; and a host of grandchildren, nieces andnephews.

Michael ‘Chad’ May

Services for Michael “Chad” May, of McComb, are 10 a.m. Tuesday,April 12 at Harrigill Funeral Home Chapel with burial in LittleBahala Cemetery.

Visitation is today from 5-9 p.m. at the funeral home.

Mr. May, 32, died April 9, 2005, in Pike County. He was born inBrookhaven on August 4, 1972, to William Earl May Jr. and DebraFloyd Barnett.

He was a derrick hand and oilfield worker for Cornwell. He was amember of Pearlhaven Baptist Church.

Survivors are his parents; his wife, Valerie Saccenti May, ofMcComb; his daughters, Destiny May and Mikayla May, both of McComb;his sisters, Michelle Barber, of Wesson, and Carey May, ofAshville, N.C.; his brothers, William Todd May, of Wesson, and GregMay, of Wesson; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill May, ofBrookhaven; and several nieces and nephews.

Louise Havard Youngblood

Services for Louise Havard Youngblood, of Hernando, are 11 a.m.Tuesday, April 12 at St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church inMadison with burial in Union Church Cemetery. Hernando Funeral Homeis in charge of arrangements.

Visitation is today from 5-8 p.m. and Tuesday from 10-11 a.m. atthe church.

Mrs. Youngblood, 79, died April 9, 2005, at Mississippi Hospitalfor Restorative Care in Jackson.

A native of Lucedale, Mrs. Youngblood was a retired elementaryschool teacher. She graduated from Perkinston Junior College andMillsaps College, where she met her husband of 55 years, the Rev.J. Wesley Youngblood. Together they served the United MethodistChurch in Mississippi faithfully for more than 40 years. Mrs.Youngblood was an active member of the United Methodist Women andwas involved in Sunday school and senior adult ministries. Sheloved reading and collecting recipes, and enjoyed followingpolitics and her favorite sports teams. During the course of herteaching career, she earned a masters degree in elementaryeducation from the University of Mississippi.

Preceding her in death were her son, Bill Youngblood.

Survivors are her husband; her daughters, Rebecca Youngblood, ofJackson, and Judy Youngblood, of Senatobia; one daughter-in-law;three grandchildren; two great grandchildren; and her many sistersand brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews.

Memorial may be made to Camp Lake Stephens, 117 Camp LakeStephens Dr., Oxford MS 38655; the Center for Ministry, P.O. Box150041, Millsaps College, Jackson MS 39210; or the JennieYoungblood Christian Educators Scholarship, c/o Mississippi UnitedMethodist Foundation, P.O. Box 1986, Jackson MS 39215.