Ole Brook tennis team claims division crown
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 25, 2005
With three seniors leading Brookhaven’s youth-laden tennis team,the Panthers captured the Division 6-4A Tournament on asweat-soaked Thursday at the Brookhill on Natchez Tennis Center.With temperatures in the mid 80s, seniors Lindsey Hall (mixeddoubles), Claire Cox (girls singles) and Ann Kirk Jacobs (girlsdoubles) won their respective championships.
“I’m proud for our three seniors,” said Ole Brook coach DavidMisner. “All of them won their district and qualified for state.It’s great to win district with such a young team,” saidMisner.
Ole Brook either won or was runner-up in each event, sendingrepresentatives in all 5 events to the state tourney.
The MHSAA Class 4A state tournament is scheduled May 9-10 at theRidgeland Tennis Center. Ole Brook won 13 of a possible 15 pointsin the division tournament. McComb and Jim Hill tied for secondwith 7 points each.
Jacobs and freshman Georgia Rae Rainer were seeded No. 1 anddrew a bye. They defeated Lawrence County 6-2, 6-3 in the semis andrallied to beat Jim Hill 5-7, 6-2, 6-1 in the finals.
In mixed doubles, Ole Brook was the No. 3 seed. Hall and eighthgrader Scott Warnock beat Terry 6-0, 6-1 in the opening round. Theyrebounded to beat No. 2 seeds Sarabeth Green andCaleb Weeks of Lawrence County 6-1, 4-6, 6-3 in the semis ,and beatNo. 1 seed Kramer Austin and Christina Brumfield of McComb 6-1 4-66-2 in the finals.
Cox, seeded No. 1 in girls singles, drew a bye and whippedWingfield 6-0, 6-0 in the semis. In the finals she defeated KasieBeth Eckman of McComb 4-6, 5-3 as the heat got to Eckman in thefinals.
In boys doubles, Ole Brook’s Taylor Jones and Justin Hobbs wereseeded No. 3 and received a bye. They knocked off McComb 6-2 6-2 inthe semis, but lost a 3-set marathon to No. 1 seeds Justin Lambertand Dennis Herrington of Lawrence County 7-6, 4-6 7-6 infinals.
In boys singles, Ole Brook eighth grader LaKenya Kelly beatTerry 6-3 6-2 semis, but lost to No. 1 seed Jaman Nelson of JimHill 6-2 6-2 in finals.