BHS soccer awards given Thurs. night
Published 5:00 am Friday, April 29, 2005
Ole Brook’s outstanding soccer campaign was climaxed Thursdaynight with an awards dinner hosted by Stan and Susie Patrick attheir palatial estate, located south of Brookhaven. Ole Brooksoccer coach Kevin Bower, selected as Class 4A Coach of the Yearand All-Star Game soccer coach, presented awards to members of hisvarsity girls and boys teams.
“This was the best season I’ve ever coached,” said Bower. HisPanthers won the Division 6-4A championship and advanced to thestate playoffs, finishing 16-3-2. His Lady Panthers also advancedto the playoffs and finished 11-7-1.
“We are losing some outstanding seniors who will be difficult toreplace,” said Bower. He loses nine girls and five boys.
Bower thanked outgoing Soccer Booster Club officers for theirsupport. They included Buddy Thibodeaux, Debbie Alexander, ChrisJarreau and Cathy Crane.
“I appreciate all the support you parents gave the team,” saidBower. “I also want to thank the administration and teachers fortheir support, too.
“I don’t want to overlook my assistant coaches,” added Bower,referring to Amy Copeland and Brad Bland. “They helped me coach twoteams.”
New Booster Club officers for the 2005-06 season are DavidBraden, president; John Lowman, vice president; Karen Waldrop,secretary; and Anna Davey treasurer.
Certificates of Merit, recognizing both teams for their 3.0 GPAin the classroom, were presented by Bower.
In girls soccer, Most Valuable Player honors went to seniorforward Allyson Wallace. Hannah Lowman was named Most ValuableOffensive Player and Laura Waldrop was selected Most ValuableDefensive Player.
Other girls soccer awards went to Laurie Wall, Hustle Award;Caryanne Rake, Most Improved Offensive Player; Julie Meacham, MostImproved Defensive Player; Claire Jarreau, Scholastic Award; andMegan Tussey, Coach’s Award. Jarreau and Taylor Crane wererecognized as permanent team captains.
In boys soccer, Giles Langston was recognized as Most ValuablePlayer. Guy Orr was named Most Valuable Offensive Player and NasonStephens Most Valuable Defensive Player.
Other soccer awards went to Tyler Alexander, Hustle Award;Cameron Newell, Most Improved Offensive Player; R.J. Jenkins, MostImproved Defensive Player; Thomas Nguyn, Coach’s Award; andLangston, Scholastic Award. Orr, Alexander and Langston were namedpermanent team captains.
The Panthers were presented Division 6-4A champion patches fortheir letter jackets.