Fund-raiser will allow kids to live out dreams
Published 5:00 am Friday, April 29, 2005
The fourth annual Catch the Vision, a fund-raising event for theCatch-A-Dream Foundation, featuring Tracy Byrd, will be held Mondayand Tuesday in Starkville.
More than $250,000 has been raised during Catch the Visionevents held the past three years for the organization founded byBrookhaven native Bruce Brady.
This year’s event consists of a golf tournament at Old WaverlyGolf Club and a shotgun sports event at the Starkville Gun Club.The two-day event will conclude with dinner, silent and liveauctions, and special entertainment by host Byrd and otherperformers.
The Bruce Brady Memorial Catch-A-Dream Foundation strives toprovide life-changing outdoor experiences for youths 18 years oldand younger who suffer from life-threatening illnesses.
Brady, an attorney, sculptor, poet and outdoor writer, was anicon in the world of the outdoors. As a field editor for OutdoorLife magazine and freelance correspondent for several otherpublications, he hunted and fished across the continent.
As he faced his own arduous battle with cancer, he took comfortin his time spent outdoors. Shortly before his death, Bradyarticulated his vision for a program that would provide outdooropportunities to ill youths no longer served by the world’s largestchildren’s wish-giving organization.
Brady lost his battle with cancer in February 2000, but familyand friends pushed forward with his plans and Catch-A-Dream wasborn later that year.
Catch the Vision is a private event with community sponsorpackages available at a cost of $500. The packages include programrecognition and four tickets to the Tuesday night festivities. Alimited number available.
For more information, contact Resa McClain with Mossy Oak, asponsor of the event, at (662) 494-8859 ext. 285 or e-mail her Or contact the Catch-A-Dream offices at(662) 325-3174 or log on at