West Lincoln honors athletes
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 9, 2005
Seniors Alicia Kennedy and Cody Warren were recipients of theMHSAA Lindy Callahan Scholar Athlete District Award (Nominee)Thursday night during the West Lincoln athletic banquet held at theMulti-Purpose Facility.
Selected as Most Valuable Players in their respected sports wereMark Case in football, Tyler Smith in tennis, Alicia Kennedy(offense) and Erica Shaw (defense) in girls basketball, Tyler Smith(offense) and Stephen Jones (defense) in boys basketball, BritneeSMith (infield) and Carrie Fauver (outfield) in fastpitch softball,Lauren Smith (infield) and Ashley Palomarez (outfield) in slowpitchsoftball, Mason Douglas in baseball and Blake Emfinger in golf.
Jake Adams received the Scholastic Award.
@Bbstandings:West Lincoln Athletic Awards
FOOTBALL – Mark Case, Mr. Hustle, Team Captain, AllRegion 4-1A 1st Team; Cody Warren, Bear Award; Mark E. Smith, MostValuable Offensive Lineman; Phillip Jarancik, Most ValuableDefensive Lineman, Team Captain, All Region 4-1A 2nd Team; DarnellSampson, Most Valuable Offensive Back ; Casey Roberts, MostValuable Defensive Back; Casey Roberts, Most Valuable Player, TeamCaptain; Aaron McCaffrey, All Region 4-1A 2nd Team; Kyle Lofton, ,All Region 4-1A 2nd Team.
TENNIS – Ashley Palomarez, Rookie of the Year; AnaStewart, Most Improved Player; Jonathan Kelley, Mr. Hustle; LibbiPickering, Miss Hustle; Brittani Phillips, Miss Hustle; TylerSmith, Most Valuable Player; Tyler Smith, Ian Smith, Cody Warren,Black Pickering, Bear Award.
GIRLS BASKETBALL – Alicia Kennedy, MVP Offense, MostValuable Rebounder, MHSAA 1st Team State All-Tourney, MAC 1st TeamAll-State, All Lincoln Co. Co-MVP; Erica Shaw, MVP Defense, AllLincoln County: Britnee Smith, Best Attitude; April Kennedy, MostImproved; Talashia Fells, Most Improved; Monica Price, Miss Hustle;Lauren Smith, Leadership, MHSAA 1st Team State All-Tourney, AllLincoln County.
BOYS BASKETBALL – Tyler Smith, MVP Offense, MHSAA 1ASouth State All-Tourney Team, All-Lincoln Co. Co-MVP; StephenJones, MVP Defense; Kevin King, MVP Rebounder, , All- Lincoln Co.;Jeremy Byrd, Best Attitude; Shane Lynch, Most Improved, All-Lincoln Co.; Aaron Shaw, Most Improved; Cody Warren, LeadershipAward.
FASTPITCH SOFTBALL – Alicia Kennedy, Best BattingAverage, All-District; Britnee Smith, MVP Infield, All-District;Lauren Smith, MVP Catcher, All-District; Heather Huff, MVP Pitcher,All-District; Carrie Fauver, MVP Outfield, Stolen Bases; HolliSmith, Miss Hustle, All-District.
SlOWPITCH SOFTBALL – Alicia Kennedy, Best BattingAverage, MAC All-Star Tourney Team, All District, All AreaDefensive MVP; Ashley Palomarez, Slugging Award, MVP Outfield, AllDistrict, All Area Dream Team; Britnee Smith, Hitting Award, AllDistrict, All Area Dream Team; Holli Smith, Most Improved; CarrieFauver, Miss Hustle; April Kennedy, Attitude; Lauren Smith, MVPInfield, MAC All-Star Tourney Team, All District, All Area DreamTeam.
BASEBALL – Mason Douglas, Most ValuableOffensive Player, Team MVP, All District; Casey Britt, MostValuable Infielder; Shane Lynch, Most Valuable Outfielder; ZackWilliams, Most Improved; Adam Case, Bear Award; Josh Rushing, AllDistrict.
GOLF – Blake Emfinger, Most ValuableGolfer.
CHEERLEADING – Nicole Laird, Captain; Kelli Herrington,Co-Captain; Amanda Miller, Brittani Carnley, Spirit Award; MegWilliams, Most Improved; Haley Smith, Best Attitude; Ana Stewart,Coaches Award.
FCA Award – Cody Warren.
MHSAA Lindy Callahan Scholar Athlete District Nominee -Alicia Kennedy, Cody Warren.
Scholastic Award: Jake Adams.
SENIOR AWARDS – Jake Adams, basketball; Adam Case,football, baseball; Mark Case, football; Blake Emfinger,basketball, golf; Christine Hunt, basketball; Phillip Jarancik,football, tennis; Clark Jones, baseball; Kevin King, basketball,football; Alicia Kennedy, basketball, fastpitch, slowpitch; DanielLofton, football, tennis; Ashley Palomarez, slowpitch, tennis;Blake Pickering, tennis; Monica Price, basketball; Casey Roberts,football; Josh Rushing, baseball; Danielle Sasser, basketball; IanSmith, basketball, tennis; Lauren Smith, basketball, fastpitch,slowpitch; Mark E. Smith, football; Tyler Smith, basketball,tennis; Cody Warren, basketball, football, tennis.