Items missing from school’s trophy case
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 20, 2005
Wesson Attendance Center is missing a few items from its trophycase this morning and Wesson Police officials say more informationis needed to determine if it was a burglary.
Wesson Police Chief Steve Carlisle said when the WessonAttendance Center principal arrived at school, this morning severalitems were missing from the case.
“Before I say it’s a burglary, I need to do more investigation,”said Carlisle.
The items taken from the school were two cheerleading photoframes from either 1983-84 or 1984-85, and a South State BBbasketball that all the players had signed, said Billy Britt,principal of the school.
The basketball is estimated to have been the 1970s when RonaldGill was coach at the school. School officials were unsure whetherthe cheerleading photo frames contained photographs or ribbons.
“The office window was taken out, but we don’t see anythingmissing,” said Britt, who also indicated a cabinet had been pulledaway from the wall.
Carlisle said this morning that he and Britt would be meetinglater to determine if the missing items was a result of burglary,since there no broken windows and the doors were all locked.
Britt said, “We’re still trying to determine how they gotin.”