ATV driver struck by truck, dies
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 7, 2005
A four-wheeler driver was killed Sunday afternoon following acollision with a pickup on Highway 27 north of Monticello, saidStaff Sgt. Rod Crawford, public affairs officer for the MississippiHighway Patrol.
David B. White, 27, of Prentiss, was pronounced dead at thescene after his 1998 Yamaha four-wheeler was struck by a southbound1996 Toyota Tacoma driven by Anthony W. Conerly, 27, of 3017 GozaLane, Wesson. White, traveling on Cub Brown Road, was attempting tocross the highway when the accident happened around 5 p.m.
“As far as cause of the accident, we’re looking at failure toyield right of way by the ATV,” Crawford said.
Neither Conerly nor his passenger, Carmen Walker, 20, ofMeadville, were injured in the accident, Crawford said.
White’s body was taken to the Lawrence County Hospitalmorgue.