Former resident: Family seeks answers in girl’s disappearance
Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 9, 2005
A former Brookhaven resident with a connection to an18-year-oldAlabama girl missing in Aruba said family members are continuing todo all they can to find answers in the case.
Natalee Holloway, of Mountain Brook, Ala., has been missingsince May 30 while on a senior trip with classmates to the DutchCaribbean island.
“The possible outcome is too horrible to even contemplate.Everybody’s doing what they can to urge local authorities tocontinue the investigation,” said Doug Armstrong, of Duluth,Ga.
Armstrong’s daugther Wendy, a graduate of Brookhaven HighSchool, was once married to Holloway’s step-father, Jug Twitty.Armstrong said his daughter, who also lives in Mountain Brook,Ala., and Twitty remain friends.
“They’re still close even though they were divorced,” Armstrongsaid.
A major search effort has produced no solid leads and twosuspects were ordered held Wednesday on suspicion of a connectionto the girl’s disappearance. Three more men were arrestedThursday.
Armstrong said Wendy’s son, George Twitty, and Natalie’sbrother, Matt Holloway, are in Aruba helping with the search. Hesaid Wendy and other family members are getting many calls fromacross the country.
“They’ve been making circulars (to send to Aruba) and that sortof thing,” Armstrong said. “They’re doing what they can andanswering questions.”
Armstrong and his wife Martha, who is now deceased, lived inBrookhaven in the early 1970s before moving to Georgia. He wastechnical director at St. Regis, which is now Georgia-Pacific, inMonticello.
The Associated Press reported Wednesday an Aruban judge ruledthat there was sufficient evidence to hold suspects Nick John, 30,and Abraham Jones, 28, on suspicion of murder and kidnapping in thedisappearance of 18-year-old girl.
The two men are former security guards at a hotel near where thegroup of high school seniors was staying. Their attorneys said themen have denied any connection to the disappearance.
Authorities have not declared Holloway the victim of foul playand have not ruled out any possibilities, including drowning.
According to the AP, authorities have declined to comment onwhether the suspects had a relationship with the three other men,earlier described as students who told police they dropped offHolloway at her hotel around 2 a.m. on May 30. Hotel employees,however, say that security cameras did not record her return.
Armstrong mentioned the three other men in discussing the caseWednesday afternoon. The men were arrested Thursday.
“I think that connection needs to be checked out verycarefully,” said Armstrong, adding that one of the men had beenaround the group during their stay on the island.