Three girls slowpitch tourneys at Sportsplex

Published 5:00 am Friday, July 8, 2005

Softball with a slow touch converges on the Hansel KingSportsplex this weekend. Three ASA girls slowpitch statetournaments are scheduled Saturday on all four fields.

Tournament play begins at 8 a.m. tomorrow and runs through 8p.m.

Fourteen teams are entered in the 14-under, double-eliminationstate tourney. Five are entered in the 16-under and three in the18-under. Action begins Saturday morning at 8 a.m.

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In the 14-under competition, the teams include Lawrence CountyLookout of Monticello, B&S of Tylertown, PHOTC of Marks,Grenada Youth, Grenada Recreation, Columbia Express of Foxworth, MSMayben of Petal, Kickers of Soso, Clarkdale, Southern Extreme ofMeridian, Margo’s Cargo of Brandon, Richland All-Stars, the WildThangs of Harrisville and the Jinx of Vicksburg. The nationaltournament is at Tupelo, July 27-31.

In 16-under, the entries are Grenada Youth, Pink Flamingos ofCorinth, Magee Vipers of Mendenhall, Sluggers of Seminary and theSW Rankin Intimidators of Brandon. The national tournament is atColumbus, July 27-31.

In 18-under, the 3 entries are Tornados of Randolph, Clarkdaleand Smith Brothers Sports of Picayune.

Smith Brothers Sports, a sponsor based in Picayune, is under thedirection of veteran Brookhaven coach Ricky Allen. Team membersinclude Maddie Allen, Britnee Smith, Brittany Smith, Jessica Hart,Abby Williams of Brookhaven, Ashley Dear and Lauren Preble ofJackson, Krystal Benton Courtney Dickens, Amanda Feeley and CassieRabion of Picayune. Also coaching the team is Donny Penton.

Allen has been coaching softball for many years. In the past,several of his teams have participated in state tournaments atyounger age levels.

“I had to pick up some players from Jackson to fill the roster,”said Allen. “Some of my kids are playing fastpitch thissummer.,”

Allen said his team was looking forward to the nationaltournament. “Columbus is pretty close for us to travel to. Itshould be a fun trip.”

The Lawrence County Lookout of Monticello is coached by StanleyBuffington. Team members are DeeDee Walker, Tiara Townsend, ShainaStarks, Cheyenne Sanders, Hannah King, Reagan Herring, Tara Harvey,Natalie Harrington, Elizabeth Griffith, Kate Davis, Tasha Dampierand Rebecca Buffington.

According to Brookhaven Recreation Department Parks andRecreation Director Terry Reid, a large group of adults willaccompany the out-of-town teams to Brookhaven. He said over 800people are expected for the tournament. Many of them will spendFriday night at area motels.

“These tournaments have a big impact on Brookhaven and thedollars they bring in,” said Reid.

Assistant BRD director Karen Harveston said the Sportsplexconcession stand will be well-stocked with food and drinks. Statetournament t-shirts also will be on sale at the concessionstand.