Hospital staffing is key to curing ills

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dear Editor,

The July 8 edition of The DAILY LEADER proclaims in bold print”KDMC receives $9M loan toward renovation plans.” No doubt theadditional expansion and new facilities will enhance the localhospital, and I am certainly in favor of any improvements. However,an even more urgent need exists, and that is to adequately staffand dispense in a timely manner care to emergency roompatients.

On the evening of July 10, I accompanied my daughter to KDMCemergency room, where we waited for over 2 hours without evertalking with a physician. I spoke with the nurse, who explainedthey were working short-handed and could not say how much longer wewould have to wait to see the ER doctor. After some discussion, wedecided it was futile to wait any longer, as did a young couplefrom Bogue Chitto with a sick child, who left for SouthwestMississippi Medical Center.

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However desirable new facilities may be, they cannot be asubstitute for adequate medical staffing that can treat patients ina timely manner.

Robert S. Morris
