House fire suspicious; investigator called in
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 10, 2005
A state fire investigator has been called in to examine asuspicious fire Tuesday night at a home on F.E. Sellers Boulevardin Monticello.
Fire Chief Wayne Harrison said the fire was at the home of DannyEvans Jr. on F.E. Sellers Boulevard. The blaze was deemedsuspicious when firefighters arrived on the scene to find twoseparate areas of the home on fire.
“Both bedrooms were on fire,” Harrison said.
The bedrooms are located on opposite ends of the home, hesaid.
The Fire Department was notified of the fire at 9:43 Tuesdayevening by a patron at a convenience store near the home’slocation.
Jim Woodard, an investigator from the state fire marshal’soffice, was at the scene this morning investigating the cause ofthe fire, Harrison said.
The brick home, which was built off the ground and valued at$100,000, sustained approximately $30,000 damage, the chiefsaid.
The Topeka Tilton Volunteer Fire Department was called to assistthe Monticello Fire Department with the blaze.