Patience is key, local insurance reps say
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 31, 2005
As area residents begin to clean up following Monday’sdestruction from Hurricane Katrina, many area residents are facedwith the task of filing insurance claims.
Local insurance agents Bobby Britt with State Farm and HenryHamill with Mississippi Farm Bureau said above all elsepolicyholders should remain patient with the claims process. Duethe severity of Hurricane Katrina and its widespread path throughcentral and south Mississippi, area claims adjusters have beenspread thin. Catastrophe claims team for both State Farm andMississippi Farm Bureau insurance companies are currently in thefield and hard at work, the agents said.
Both companies said that even though their offices are open, allclaims should be made through each company’s toll-free numbers,however, Wednesday morning, Hamill said policy holders can alsoreport claims to the Lincoln County Farm Bureau office.
However, if any policyholders need information or advice,someone will be on hand to answer questions at the local offices,Britt and Hamill said.
Both companies said that until phone service and power to theirbuildings are restored, they will offer limited services at theiroffices.
Britt said his office will remain open and to serve anycustomers who need assistance.
Hamill said two agents will be outside his office between 8 a.m.and 5 p.m. to answer questions and give advice topolicyholders.
As long as power remains out, Hamill said, agents can’t givespecific policy information or take payments. He said all paymentsshould be mailed to Farm Bureau’s Jackson office using theenvelopes provided in customers’ statements.
Both agents gave the following tips when reporting claims:
* All claims should be reported to the toll-free number for eachcompany. Keep in mind, that with the volume of calls expected, thecall centers will probably be very busy. Keep calling back if youreceive a busy signal.
* If you can do anything to prevent further damage to yourproperty, both agents said, go ahead and do what is needed.However, if you are able to take photographs before any repairs aremade, it will help greatly in the claims process.
* Keep track of any expenses that are used during cleanupefforts. They could be reimbursed, depending on your policy.
* If you need specific advice, contact your insurance agent.
* Continue making payments on your insurance. If payments cannotbe made locally, mail them to the insurance company’s corporateoffice or bill-to address.
The toll-free Numbers for Mississippi Farm Bureau is1-866-275-7322.
State Farm’s toll-free line is 1-800-SFClaims (732-5246).