Schools preparing to enroll evacuees
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Brookhaven school officials are making plans to welcome newstudents when classes are expected to resume Monday, districtofficials said.
Brookhaven School District Superintendent Lea Barrett said sheand other school officials would be visiting American Red Crossshelters today to get basic information about evacuees’ children.Barrett said officials will need to know things like the children’sage, what grade they are in and what classes were being taken intheir home districts.
“That will give us (time) to make preparations to welcome thesestudents to our classes,” Barrett said.
Barrett said administrators know students’ records will not beavailable. She said the district wanted to accept the studentswithout any problems.
Barrett did not have an estimate on how many new students wouldbe coming into the district. She indicated there would be more whoare not staying at shelters.
“We know some evacuees’ children are staying with relatives,”Barrett said.
Brookhaven schools will resume Monday, Barrett said. BrookhavenAcademy resumed classes today.
Wesson Attendance Center planned to resume classes Wednesdaymorning, Principal Billy Britt said. He added that all certifiedstaff members should report to the school library at 7:30 a.m.Wednesday.
Lincoln County school officials had said late last week theyexpected to resume classes Thursday, but the district’s plansregarding evacuees’ children were not known today. SuperintendentTerry Brister was unavailable for comment because of telephonedifficulties.
“Brookhaven has a reputation as a warm and welcoming community,”Barrett said. “We certainly want to continue that.”