Residents eligible for government disaster aid

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 7, 2005

President Bush on Tuesday added dozens of Mississippi Countiesto the federal disaster declaration spurred by HurricaneKatrina.

Bush expanded the declaration to include 31 more countieseligible for individual assistance and 29 more eligible for publicassistance. Southwest Mississippi counties added to the declarationinclude Copiah, Franklin, Jefferson Davis, Lawrence and Lincoln.Within the region, Adams, Amite, Claiborne, Marion, Pike andWalthall counties already were included in the declarationarea.

Third District U.S. Rep. Chip Pickering said Tuesday in a newsrelease that expanding the federal disaster declaration was animportant move for Mississippi’s recovery.

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“When President Bush visited Mississippi (Monday), this was oneof the top issues we discussed with him,” Pickering said. “Localofficials and citizens told me FEMA was not responding to thembecause they were not classified in the individual assistancedisaster area.”

U.S. Sen. Trent Lott agreed with Pickering on the impact of thedeclaration’s expansion.

“This is a big step forward for relief and recovery efforts,”Lott said in a news release Tuesday. “This addition toMississippi’s disaster declaration better reflects the enormity ofHurricane Katrina’s footprint throughout Mississippi.”

Under the individual assistance program, residents may apply forfinancial help with temporary housing, home repair or replacement,medical expenses, funeral costs, purchase of household items,educational materials and other necessities.

In counties designated for public assistance, local governmentsmay qualify for reimbursement for expenses approved by the FederalEmergency Management Agency, including transportation; labor costsfor shelter workers, security and drivers; shelter operation costs;cleanup efforts; and medical services as well as for costs ofrepairing public facilities damaged by the storm.

In addition, each of Mississippi’s 82 counties is now eligiblefor hazard mitigation assistance, which reimburses localgovernments and certain private nonprofit organizations for actionstaken to prevent or reduce long-term risk to life and property.

Residents affected by Katrina may contact FEMA for assistance at1-800-621-FEMA.