Pearl River runs wild over Co-Lin for 45-3 win
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 7, 2005
POPLARVILLE – Defending NJCAA and MACJC football champion PearlRiver wrapped up its 2005 regular season here Thursday with a 45-3blowout over Copiah-Lincoln to set the stage for its post-seasonplayoff appearance Nov. 12 against undefeated and second rankedNortheast Mississippi.
The Wildcats, ranked ninth in the latest NJCAA poll, proved nomatch for the Wolves who wrapped their season at 1-6 overall and0-6 in the South Division. PRCC improved to 6-1 and 5-1.
Pearl River scored three times in the opening quarter to jumpout to a commanding 21-0 lead, while Co-Lin’s only points of thenight came via a Chris Blackwell 27-yard field goal after theWolves pounced on a fumbled punt return at the Wildcat 21 late inthe first period.
Fourth-year PRCC head coach Tim Hatten was elated with theconvincing victory.
“Anytime you score 45 points and hold the opposition to three,that’s good stuff,” Hatten said. “Offensively, we were sharp in thefirst
quarter, but got complacent after that. We played welldefensively and we need solid defense if we going to win athird-straight state championship.”
The Wildcats cashed in on its first possession of the game whenAll-American quarterback Jimmy Oliver hit Larry Freeman with anine-yard scoring pass with 9:19 left in the first. Running backMike McClendon opened the series with a run, then Oliver completedfive straight throws, including two to Brandon Fountain for acombined 37 yards to set the stage for his 22nd TD pass of theyear. Scott Hillery’s extra point was wide.
Co-Lin answered with a three-and-out and Pearl River went towork with four straight running plays – the last two good for acombined 22 yards by Seth Hayden – then Oliver zipped a 24-yardtouchdown pass to the freshman from Pearl River Central for theWildcats’ second score. Oliver also passed to Hayden for thetwo-point conversion to make it 14-0 with 5:54 left in the firstperiod.
Sixteen seconds later, Murphy’s Law seemingly prevailed for theWolves after the initial snap on their ensuing possession sailedover quarterback Cedric Johnson’s head into the end zone wherePRCC’s Shalamar Walker recovered for a third Wildcat touchdown.Hillery’s PAT made it 21-0.
Co-Lin then recovered Pearl River punt returner Derwyn Cooley’sfumble at its own 21 and moved to the 10 in five plays to set thestage for Blackwell’s field goal for the final points of theopening quarter.
Pearl River padded its lead on its first possession of thesecond period with an eight-play 68-yard drive with Gabe Fairmancapping the march with a one-yard plunge with 9:49 left in thehalf. Oliver had completions to J.J. Smith for 21 yards and ChrisWright for 12, while Oliver kept for 14 before giving McClendonback-to-back carries for 21 to set the stage for Fairman’s score.Hillery’s PAT made it 28-3.
Starting at his own 30, Johnson completed a 48-yard pass to BudChatman on the first play of the Wolves’ ensuing possession, thenflea-like back Johnathan Williams burst for 13 to the Wildcat ninebefore things bogged down and PRCC held on downs at the five.
Pearl River started its final possession of the half at its ownsix and drove to midfield before Michael Bibbs picked off Oliver’sbomb at the Wolves’ five just seconds before the intermission.
Midway in the third period, PRCC’s Charles Brown interceptedJohnson at his own 25 and returned his pick 61 yards beforelateraling to defensive lineman Rodney Millsap who then leaped overa sideline defender to speed for the endzone. Hillery’s kick madeto 35-3 with 7:23 left in the quarter.
Walker picked off a second Co-Lin pass at midfield three snapsinto the drive.
Wolves’ ensuing possession and returned his pick 39 yards to the11 to set the stage for Hillery’s 22-yard field goal five playslater to pad PRCC’s lead to 38-3.
Pearl River closed out the third period with back-to-back runsby Fairman for 23 yards, while the sophomore from Petal snagged anOliver pass for seven before Wright burst for a 42-yard run to theWolves’ 16 to open the final quarter. Fairman took it in from theiron the next snap with 14:06 left in the game. Hillery’s boot endedthe scoring to make it 45-3.
Co-Lin answered with an eight-play, 77-yard drive to the Wildcatsix before Johnson was sacked for a minus-nine and Blackwell missedon a 32-yard field goal. Running back Rashawn Robinson got fivestraight carries for 77 yards to kick off the march, including athird-and-one burst for 49 yards from his own 26.