Nonprofits eligible for FEMA assistance

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance is available forcharitable nonprofit organizations in the wake of HurricaneKatrina.

The policy is not new, but many charitable organizations may notbe aware of its availability, said Greg Hughes, a FEMA publicrelations representative.

FEMA has not yet received any applications from area nonprofits,he said.

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Charitable nonprofits may apply for reimbursement through thePublic Assistance Program, which also assists city and countygovernments in disaster recovery, Hughes said.

A Nov. 30 deadline is fast approaching, however.

Private nonprofits can request an application packet fordisaster assistance by calling (601) 965-2596 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.Monday through Friday, or file online at

The Public Assistance Program provides grant funds to eligiblemunicipalities, government agencies and qualified private nonprofitorganizations to cover costs of debris removal, emergencyprotective measures, road repairs, repair of water controlfacilities and can fund the repair, restoration, reconstruction orreplacement of a public facility or infrastructure damage in adisaster.

Eligible nonprofits include educational, utility, irrigation,emergency, medical, rehabilitation and temporary or permanentcustodial care facilities or other facilities that performessential services of a governmental nature.

Nonprofits can also apply for assistance to recover funds spenthelping others handle the crisis, Hughes said.

“Generally, it’s money to replenish what the organizations havespent on any need that the organization uses to help needyfamilies,” he said. “It all depends on their situation. It’s prettyflexible.”

Hughes said FEMA is encouraging any nonprofit that may beeligible to apply for the program.

The three ways nonprofits may apply are the same as those forindividuals, Hughes said. Organization representatives can visit aDisaster Recovery Center, call 1-800-621-FEMA or registeronline.

“Most people, I think, are more comfortable going to the DRCbecause there are people there who can answer their questionsimmediately,” he said.

Since the Brookhaven DRC opened Oct. 11, it has handled morethan 2,500 new applications, Hughes said. The number ofapplications that were previously filed through the telephonenumber or online and facilitated at the DRC were not immediatelyavailable.

The Brookhaven DRC will remain open indefinitely, Hughessaid.

In addition, FEMA announced today that it is opening DRCs at theFranklin County Fairgrounds, 309 Wentworth Drive in Bude, and atthe Multi-Purpose Building, 678 Main St. in Fayette.