Author to share story of survival
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 23, 2005
A cancer survivor and inspirational author will be the featuredspeaker at the First Baptist Church Women’s Ministry “Tis TheSeason” program at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Sandy Denton, the author of “Splinters of Hope,” is a teacher,speaker and certified personality trainer who brings womenhope.
Denton can prove there is life after cancer after surviving abattle with the disease at the age of 18.
“If I would have died, I would have gone straight to hellbecause I did not have a clue that Jesus died for me. He was just aman in a book who I heard about on Sundays,” Denton writes.
Robyn Aker, publicity chairperson for the dessert celebration,said the $7 event will include cheesecake and coffee.
Proceeds at the door and from a silent auction will benefit theLottie Moon Christmas Offering, Aker said. Lottie Moon was amissionary to China. The Baptist Association takes up donationseach Christmas in her honor to distribute among missionaries aroundthe world.
Local merchants and craftsmen are providing the items forauction, she said.
The event will also feature music by Melissa Jackson and holidaydecorations.