Obituaries for Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 23, 2005
William C. Beaube
Services for William C. Beaube, of Utica, are 10 a.m. Saturday,Nov. 26 at New. Zion Baptist Church. A graveside service will beheld at 2 p.m. at Wintergreen Cemetery in Port Gibson. CommunityFuneral Services is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Friday from 2 to 8 p.m. at the church.
Mr. Beaube, 70, died Nov. 21, 2005, at his residence. He wasborn on Nov. 21, 2005, to Emmette Beaubes Sr. and CarrieCessan.
He was retired from Entergy. He served in the Air Force.
Preceding him in death were his parents; two brothers; two sons;and a daughter.
Survivors are his wife, Ann Beaube, of Dentville; his son, PaulBeaube, of Pearl; his daughter, Patricia Patterson, of CrystalSprings; his brothers, Jerry A. Beaube, of Dentville, and EmmetteBeaube, of Yazoo City; five grandchildren; and twogreat-grandchildren.
Melanie Ann Varnado
Services for Melanie Ann Varnado, of Bogue Chitto, are 11 a.m.Saturday, Nov. 26 at Community Family Funeral Service with burialin Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Bogue Chitto.
Visitation is Friday from 5 to 10 p.m. at the funeral home.
Ms. Varnado, 43, died Nov. 19, 2005, from injuries sustained inan automobile accident in McComb. She was born on July 14, 1962, toFrank W. Varnado and Francis Varnado.
She was employed with Kellwood and was of the Baptist faith.
Survivors are her parents, Frank W. and Francis Varnado, ofBogue Chitto; her grandmother, Dessie Morris, of Brookhaven; herbrothers, Gary Varnado, and his wife, Bonnie, of McComb, and KenVarnado and his wife, Martha, of Clarksville, Tenn.; her threenieces, Ciara, Jessica and Chelsea Varnado; her four nephews,Kenneth D. Varnado Jr., Ryan, Cameron and Brendan Varnado.