Mayor, aldermen ready to act on setting city priorities

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Setting priorities is becoming, well, a priority for cityofficials.

After some months of contemplating and identifying theirindividual ward and citywide goals for the current term, aldermenand Mayor Bob Massengill appear ready to set the city agenda forthe foreseeable future. A work session on city goals is scheduledfor prior to the next regular meeting Jan. 17.

In compiling his and lists submitted by aldermen, Massengill hasdivided suggested priorities into three categories.

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One category involves projects, such as downtown paving and themulti-modal facility, that are well under way toward completion orare finished. The second category addresses new policies orordinances changes and some other no or minimal cost measures.

Many of the items in the first two areas can and should beaccomplished in short order.

However, the third category, including items that will costserious dollars to pursue, is where much discussion and thought isneeded. Officials have identified no less than 17 potentialpriorities for consideration, ranging from neighborhood parkimprovement and a swimming pool to infrastructure and equipmentneeds and annexation preparations.

In considering priorities, we urge city leaders to keep openminds about their suggestions and seek common ground on what canrealistically and feasibly be accomplished. Identifying commonpriorities is the first step toward making them a reality.