Mildred Jean Harris
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 16, 2006
Services for Mildred Jean Harris, of Brookhaven, are 11 a.m.Monday, Jan. 16 at Macedonia M.B. Church with burial in the churchcemetery.
Visitation is Sunday from 1 to 7 p.m. with family hour from 6 to7 p.m. at Williams Mortuary.
Mrs. Harris, 77, died Jan. 11, 2006, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. She was born on Jan. 12, 1928, to Eugene Summers and SusieCowart.
She was a retired dietitian with the Brookhaven Public SchoolSystem. She retired after more than 30 years of employment. She wasa member of Macedonia M.B. Church, where she was a former presidentof the Home Mission. She was also a former president of the Women’sHome District Missionary Baptist Convention.
Preceding her in death were her parents; and her husband, WillieHarris.
Survivors are her sons, James Harris and his wife, Catalina, ofPlano, Texas, Iva Harris and his wife, Dorothy, of Brookhaven,Alvin Harris, of Brookhaven, and Calvin Harris, of Los Angeles; herdaughters, Dorothy Gray, of Brookhaven, Mamie Thadison and herhusband, Robert, of Brookhaven, Janet Adams and her husband,Pierre, of Calumet City, Ill., Casey Harris, of Brookhaven, andJackie German and her husband, LeVander, of Brookhaven; her brotherWalter Summers and his wife, Katherine, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; heruncle, Willie D. Wade, of Crystal Springs; 23 grandchildren; onegreat-grandchild; and many sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews andother relatives.