Hardware store gets new owner

Published 6:00 am Monday, February 6, 2006

Perkins Ace Hardware, recognized as the longestcontinually-operating retail store in Brookhaven, is under newownership.

Keith Dorman, owner of Brookhaven Hardware, confirmed Fridaythat he purchased the store from Jimmy and Linda Pickett. He saidthe Brookhaven Hardware store would eventually close.

“We have plans to merge our store on Highway 51 South into thePerkins location,” Dorman said. “I’m hoping to be complete themerger in about three months. I think we can do it fairlyquickly.”

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There should be no disruption at Perkins ACE Hardware during thetransition, Dorman said, but the Brookhaven Hardware store mayexperience a short disruption in service. Once the transition iscomplete, the Brookhaven Hardware store will permanently close itsdoors.

“Hopefully, we’ll be able retain our (Brookhaven Hardware)customer base as we merge the two together,” Dorman said. “It’sexciting for me to be a part of the history that is Perkins ACEHardware. We’re looking forward to it.”

Dorman said the merger will allow him to expand the productlines customers have become accustomed to at both locations.Perkins ACE Hardware will begin offering building materials whilecustomers of Brookhaven Hardware will be able to enjoy the “largerinventory and a lot broader merchandise line” to be found at theACE store.

“Customer service, and providing the right tools to meet theneeds of our customers, is very important,” he said. “It’s why theycome to you, and we’re there to help.”

The merger will also allow Dorman to be more competitive inhardware retail sales.

“I think it gives us a stronger presence in the community,” hesaid. “I think it was a good move for us. We’re very excited aboutit.”