ROCK ministry leaders hope for better attendance
Published 6:00 am Friday, February 10, 2006
Organizers of an eight-week children’s ministry are notdisappointed by a low attendance in the first two weeks, but theyremain hopeful that word of the program will spread among thetargeted youth.
The Operation ROCK (Reaching Out to Children for the Kingdom)outreach program, sponsored by Abundant Life Church, held itssecond meeting Saturday at the Sonshine Avenue Center, the name ofthe operation’s headquarters building at 313 First St. The programis led by Elder Ronnie and Francise Henderson of Abundant LifeChurch.
Approximately 10 young men and women attended the weekendmeeting.
“There weren’t as many as we wanted, but as Bro. Ronnie says,’Don’t despise small beginnings,'” said Annitra Richardson, anorganizer for the event. “They were excited about it and said theywould bring their friends next Saturday, so we’re hopeful for abetter attendance.”
The program opened Jan. 28 at Sonshine Avenue and continuesevery Saturday at 2 p.m. through April. Each Saturday’s programincludes special children’s worship services followed bycontemporary music by volunteers from several area churches withgames designed to coincide with that week’s lessons, Richardsonsaid.
“We’re going outside the church because a lot of times peoplewon’t go to church,” she said. “You have to take the gospel tothem.”
Surprisingly, Richardson said, a majority of those attendingSaturday’s program were young men between the ages of 12 and 15.Operation ROCK is targeting children ages six to 12.
“It was really exciting for us to see the young teenage kidscome out,” she said. “They really took it all in.”