2nd arrest made in Deere case

Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 23, 2006

Lincoln County Sheriff Wiley Calcote said Tuesday a secondarrest has been made in the January 2004 shooting death ofconvenience store owner John Deere.

William Hutson, 20, of 1965 New Sight Drive, was arrestedTuesday morning and charged with accessory after the fact ofcapital murder, Calcote said. Hutson remains in jail under a$100,000 bond.

“We finally had someone he’d talked to come forward and give ussome information,” Calcote said about what lead to Hutson’sarrest.

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Kenneth Baggett, of 2471 Lake Lincoln Drive, was arrested inJune 2004 and charged with capital murder in the Jan. 16, 2004,incident at the Airport Pik and Pak.

Baggett, who has pleaded innocent in the case, remains in jailunder a $750,000 bond. His trial is scheduled for June 6.

Calcote said an investigation is continuing. He did not providedetails regarding Hutson’s alleged involvement in the crime.

“We do have enough information to place him at the scene,” thesheriff said.

Calcote said Hutson requested an attorney during questioning. Hesaid authorities are now waiting to hear from Hutson’sattorney.

“That’s as far as we could go,” Calcote said.

Calcote was unsure if Hutson’s case would be tried along withBaggett’s, but he acknowledged the possibility.

“We will try to do it at the same time if that’s what thedistrict attorney wants to do,” Calcote said.

Deere’s body was found in the Airport Pik & Pak parking lotafter the sheriff’s department received a 911 call around 5 a.m. onJan. 16. Authorities believe the shooting happened shortly afterDeere, 55, arrived to start the business day.