Diamond Wolves overwhelm Tougaloo
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 28, 2006
WESSON — The Copiah-Lincoln Wolves swept another two-gamesseries from the winless Tougaloo Bulldogs Monday at SullivanField.
Co-Lin won the opener 14-4 and the finale 19-0 in a pair offive- innings contests. Tougaloo falls to 0-9 on the season.
The Wolves (7-2) host Hinds Wednesday in a doubleheaderconcluding the Cellular South Backyard Brawl series. Co-Lin won thefirst encounter 3-1 over the Eagles last Thursday.
Co-Lin 19, Tougaloo 0
In the nightcap, the Wolves ripped 17 hits, including 3 homeruns to cruise to the win.
Co-Lin exploded for a 10-0 run lead in the first inning, as theWolves collected 7 of their 17 hits. Starting off the inning with asolo home run was sophomore shortstop Josh Logan who added 3singles at bat.
The Wolves tacked on 9 more runs in the bottom the fourth,sparked by a 3-run home run by sophomore right fielder XavierQualls and a 2-run homer by freshman catcher Jeremy Boler. Quallsand Boler also singled.
Contributing to the Co-Lin win with a pair of doubles and asingle was Ryan Williams. Ryan Hoben doubled twice. Designatedhitter sophomore Matthew Schexnayder doubled. Singling was JoelHurt and Cole Hodges.
Directing the Wolves on the mound for the win was freshmanleft-hander Brett Hartfield (1-0) from Purvis in two innings.Working the next 2 2/3 was Wesson sophomore left-hander NickGunter. Finishing the final out was freshman southpaw Adam Cook whoalso finished the final inning in the first game.
Co-Lin head baseball coach Keith Case was pleased with thehitting and the pitching. “Adam Cooks close up both games. Both ofour left-handers did real well. We had better quality at bats inthe second game.”
Taking the loss was Steve Douglas (0-2). Elmore singled for theBulldogs.
Co-Lin 14, Tougaloo 4
Co-Lin sophomore right-hander Justin Smith (1-0) of Wesson wasthe winning hurler in the opener with 7 strikeouts, 1 walk and 1hit allowed. First reliever James Landry worked the top of thefourth and fifth, allowing 4 runs in the fifth with 3 strikeouts, 3walks and 1 hit. Cook came in to get the final 2 outs.
“Justin Smith did real well,” stated Case.
The losing hurler was Kristopher Lane (0-1) with 10 runs allowedon 14 hits, 3 strikeouts and 3 walks.
Douglas doubled for Tougaloo. Brad Elmore singled.
The Wolves went up 2-0 in the first inning, then 8-0 in thesecond. Co-Lin added 5 runs in the third and 2 in the fourth for a13-0 lead. Tougaloo scored 4 in the fifth as the hosts scored the14th run on a solo homer over the left field fence by Hoben to endthe game under the 10-run rule. Hoben also singled twice.
Adding support to the Co-Lin win with a double was Qualls. ColeHodges singled twice. Brandon Chretien, Joel Hurt, Schexnayder,Williams and Boler singled.