Moak wins Junior Miss

Published 6:00 am Monday, March 20, 2006

Elizabeth Baker Moak was named 2006-2007 Lincoln County JuniorMiss following competition at Southwest Mississippi CommunityCollege Saturday.

Ashlee Nicole Richardson was named first alternate and SarahEllen Green was chosen as second alternate from the field of eightcompetitors. Green also received the Spirit of Junior MissAward.

Among other awards presented Saturday, CaryAnne Rake won the “BeYour Best Self” essay award and Mason Dixon, who escorted CarlieCase Smith, was chosen as Escort of the Year.

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Elizabeth Baker Moak is the daughter of Frank and Terri Moak.She is a student at Brookhaven High School, where she is a memberof the Crown Club and the National Honor Society. Moak alsoattended Mississippi Youth Congress sessions 56-58 and is a memberof First Edition Forensics and Debate. She is a member of the MockTrial team and has participated in three BHS SpringProductions.

Ashlee Nicole Richardson is the daughter of Chet and SandraRichardson. She is a student at Brookhaven High School, where sheis a member of the National Honor Society and was chosen as KiwanisClub Student of the Month. Richardson is a mentor with the BigBrothers Big Sisters program and a member of the Spanish Club. Shereceived the English II and Spanish II awards in tenth grade andthe Algebra I award in ninth grade.

Sarah Ellen Green is the daughter of Michael and Melanie Green.She is a student at Brookhaven High School, where she is 11th gradeclass representative on the Student Council and junior class vicepresident. She is a mentor with the Big Brothers Big Sistersprogram, activity director for the Key Club and secretary of theSpanish Club. She is a BHS competitive cheerleader and was chosento be on the homecoming court and a class favorite. She also has alead role in the 2006 BHS production, “Li’l Abner.”

Moak will go on to represent Lincoln County in Meridian laterthis year in state competition.