Officers target 4-wheelers
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 26, 2006
Lincoln County officials are warning area recreational vehicleusers to stay off area creek banks unless the rider has writtenpermission.
Lincoln County Sheriff Wiley Calcote said his office has beenoverwhelmed with complaints from landowners concerning peopleriding four-wheelers along creek beds located on privateproperty.
“We’re having a lot of problems,” Calcote said.
Complaints have primarily been coming from the Fair River andMcCall Creek areas, he said.
Calcote said that Lincoln County Deputies and officials with theDepartment of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks will be out in forceMemorial Day weekend issuing tickets to riders who don’t havewritten permission from landowners to ride on private property.
The rider must be in possession of the written permission letterwhen they are stopped or they will be ticketed, Calcotereiterated.