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ABATE event rides into town Saturday

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Two-wheeled fun and games are the featured attraction at theABATE 15th annual Father’s Day Motorcycle Rodeo Saturday at AtwoodWater Park.

Sponsored by the southwest chapter of American Bikers ActiveToward Education (ABATE), the motorcycle event is a fund-raiserthis year for the Lawrence County Habitat for Humanity. The eventsupported the Mississippi Firefighters Memorial Burn Center formany years, but that clinic is now closed.

Sandra Sarich, ABATE’s public relations officer, said the localchapter committee members considered several charities beforedeciding to support Habitat for Humanity.

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“We do so many events here and they build so many houses here itwas a nice fit,” she said.

The ABATE Father’s Day Motorcycle Rodeo has been held at AtwoodWater Park for at least 10 years, Sarich said.

Festivities will open Saturday at 9 a.m. with a poker run.Motorcyclists ride around the county to five different locationsdrawing cards. The winner is determined by who has the best handwhen they return to the park.

More spectator-oriented games begin at 2 p.m. with the slowrace, helmet toss, and other competitions.

Generations, a Brookhaven band, will close out the day’sactivities in the evening with a concert.

Motorcycle accessories and memorabilia will be available fromseveral vendors during the event.