Officials approve location for Lott monument

Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 22, 2006

The board of aldermen voted Tuesday to allow the Dr. A.L. Lottmemorial monument be placed on city property and to allow thefund-raising process to begin.

“It is the desire of a vast number of citizens and patrons ofthe Brookhaven-Lincoln County community to establish a monument inhonor and memory of Dr. Albert L. Lott,” said monument proponentKenneth Wilbert in a letter to city officials. Wilbert was notpresent a the meeting.

The letter noted Lott’s contributions to Brookhaven as acommunity physician, his service as a member of the BrookhavenSchool District board of trustees, and his monetary aiding of 10students in receiving undergraduate degrees from Alcorn StateUniversity.

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“I served on the school board with Dr. Lott for six years andthere was never a finer man,” said Mayor Bob Massengill. “I thinkthis is certainly a tribute to him.”

The location of the monument will be on city property acrossfrom Serio’s on First and Gullidge streets, but will be at no costto the city.

“I like the idea. It’s located not too far from where hisdoctor’s office was,” said Ward Three Alderwoman Mary Wilson, whowas treated as a child by Dr. Lott.

The monument will be paid for by private contributions and thesale of personalized bricks, said Wilson. The total cost of themonument was not known last night.

The completion of the monument is a year away, city officialssaid.