Dry conditions prompt action
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 5, 2006
A burn ban has been issued in Lawrence County due to dryconditions and the potential for fire.
“It’s real dry out there right now and we are trying to avoidany problem that we can,” said Monticello Fire Chief RobertPatterson.
The Lawrence County Board of Supervisors met Monday morning todiscuss the issue and consider possible solutions.
“They agreed on it until it deems necessary not to because ofdry weather,” Patterson said.
The decision was based on the lack of rainfall over the past fewweeks.
“We’ve had a few grass fires, but we are trying to avoid it ifwe can,” Patterson said.
The ban will be in effect until a significant rainfalloccurs.
“I don’t know how long that will be,” Patterson said. “It couldbe 30 to 60 days.”
Brookhaven-Lincoln County Civil Defense Director Clifford Galeysaid the Mississippi Forestry Commission and fire departments haveresponded to a number of grass fires. If a considerable rainfalldoes not occur before the next board of supervisor’s meeting, hesaid a ban will be considered at that time.
During the month of June, the Mississippi Forestry Commissionresponded to 30 fires that affected 280 acres in Copiah, Franklin,Lawrence and Lincoln counties, said Dale Brown, MississippiForestry Commission public outreach coordinator.