G-P trimming 85 jobs in plant realignment

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Georgia-Pacific Monticello Mill is presently offeringemployees a severance package in an effort to trim 85 positions atthe plant.

Johnnie Carlisle, communications manager of the Monticello mill,said regardless of how many voluntarily leave the mill, 85production and maintenance positions will be eliminated as theplant restructures for future operations.

“We have not finished the voluntary severance package offerings.That is up today,” she said. “By next week, we should know how manywill be taking it. No one has lost their job at this time.”

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The Monticello plant employs 555 employees – 419 hourly and 136salaried.

Salaried workers have also been offered the package. Carlislesaid she did have the exact number of salaried positions that arebeing eliminated, but believes enough salaried employees have optedfor the package to avoid any layoffs.

The realignment of the plant’s work force is partly in responseto a general slowdown in the paper industry, she said. Companyexecutives believe the work force realignment can help G-P wellinto the future.

“Georgia-Pacific must focus on operating efficiency to achievelong-term survival and profitability. The paper industry has notmade adequate returns in the last five years,” Carlisle said. “Wedon’t want to end up like Natchez – shut down. This will ensure weremain a good and productive mill. I think these changes willensure the mill will be here down the road.”

Koch Industries bought out the Georgia-Pacific corporation inlate December. It established G-P as a separate division that willretain the G-P name.

Many mills throughout the G-P division are making adjustments,cuts and seeing improvements, Carlisle said.

An improvement coming to the Monticello plant is automatic rolllabeling equipment, which is already on order, she said. Trainingsessions were also held for employees throughout June for a newoperating process that will be introduced during the next fewmonths to increase efficiency and production.

The Monticello mill produces linerboard for corrugated boxes.The large rolls of linerboard are cut to customers’specifications.