Jail jumper remains at large
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Brookhaven man who bolted through an open door in the LincolnCounty Jail’s booking room and hopped a fence to escape is still onthe loose, according to law enforcement officials.
The U.S. Marshals Service joined the search for PatrickLittleton, 28, of 326 Fern Lane, Brookhaven, on Monday, saidSheriff Wiley Calcote.
“They have a task force in this area and they came downvoluntarily to assist us,” he said. “They always offer theirassistance. They don’t always come in person, but they happened tobe in McComb.”
Littleton is not believed to be dangerous and was being bookedon a warrant, possibly related to an indictment for unlawful saleof cocaine, Calcote said.
“By all means, take precautions if you run up on this fellow,but he has no background of violent behavior,” the sheriffsaid.
The sheriff is requesting residents with information onLittleton’s whereabouts to call the Sheriff’s Department.