Richardson is BSD Parent of Year
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Veronica Richardson, a parent volunteer at Brookhaven ElementarySchool, has been named the Brookhaven School District’s Parent ofthe Year, said Superintendent Lea Barrett during Tuesday night’sboard meeting.
“She’s always willing to do whatever you ask her to do. Shenever refuses and always had the best interest of this entirecommunity at heart,” Barrett said. “She is just a really charming,willing parent.”
Richardson served at Parent Teacher Association president whereshe was active in school projects and fundraisers. She justrecently finished her sixth year with the Junior Auxiliary andserves as a fourth grade Sunday school teacher at First BaptistChurch.
“I feel that parents need to be involved to keep our systemproductive,” Richardson said. “I think the children will do betterthemselves if they see parents involved.”
Brookhaven Elementary School Principal Pam Fern said thatRichardson was an asset to the school. Richardson was chosen forthe district honor after being named Parent of the Year forBES.
Mamie Martin Elementary School Principal Danita Hobbs named NickDavis as Parent of the Year. Davis volunteered his time teachingmusic. Hobbs said he played piano and taught 938 children to singChristmas songs.
Lorraine Carey, principal of Lipsey Middle School, named ShannonClark as Parent of the Year. Clark assisted with a program thatwould allow teachers to have a lunch break while parents kept theclassroom, Carey said. Clark also began the Effort Program thatallowed students to be awarded based on participation.
Alexander Junior High Principal Johnny Waller named KathyHalliwell Parent of the Year. Waller praised Halliwell for herorganization and success with the AJH athletic banquet.
John Coleman, Brookhaven Technical Center principal, namedDebbie Nix Parent of the Year. Nix served on the budget committeeand craft committee.
“She has the best interest of the students at heart,” Colemansaid.
Brookhaven High School Principal Susan Chapman gave the Parentof the Year honor to Celeste Carty.
“She has a love and interest for every school in the district,”Chapman said. “She let teachers know how much they wereappreciated.”
Barrett said the Brookhaven School District has an open doorpolicy and that parents are always welcome to participate andvolunteer their time.
“Brookhaven School district would not be what it is without theparent support that we have,” Barrett said.
In other business last night, the school board voted to beginthe process to reissue a $5.3 million dollar bond. Under newinterest rates, over $300,000 could be saved over the life of thebond. The board voted to allow Attorney Bob Allen to begin thesteps necessary to lock in the lower interest rate.
“We have been through this before,” said Carl Aycock, boardpresident. “We understand the benefits of it.”