Time now for kids’ S-H-O-T-S
Published 5:00 am Friday, July 28, 2006
With the first day of school fast approaching, time is runningshort for parents who have not yet taken their children to gettheir required immunizations.
Vaccinations against childhood diseases are required byMississippi law for children entering school for the first time,including day care, Head Start and kindergarten, said Joy Sennett,director of communicable diseases for the Mississippi Department ofHealth. Immunizations are also required for students who haverelocated to the state.
Upon school registration, an immunization certificate ofcompliance showing the child has received the mandated vaccinationsmust be presented to school officials, Sennett said.
The required immunizations are four to five doses of thediphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine, three doses of poliobefore the fourth birthday and a fourth dose after the fourthbirthday, two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine andthree doses of the hepatitis B vaccine. One dose of varicella,which is the chicken pox vaccine, is also required. Exemptions fromthe varicella vaccine are possible with a documented history ofchicken pox, Sennett said.
The vaccinations requiring multiple doses are given atintervals.
Children may be vaccinated at a physician’s office or the localhealth department. Any child between the ages of 0 and 18 canreceive shots at the health department for a fee of $10 pervaccine.
“Our nurses are great at giving shots to children,” Sennettsaid. “They’re very experienced at that because that’s one of thethings we do most.”
At the time of school registration, parents will need to show acertificate of compliance. They will also need their child’s birthcertificate. The local health department can assist parents withobtaining both documents, Sennett said.
Sennett advised parents who have not completed the immunizationrequirements to do so and not wait until the last minute.