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Deer season extended

Co-Lin players practice in heat

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 15, 2006

WESSON — The sultry August sun had no mercy on theCopiah-Lincoln Community College football team as the Wolfpacklabored through a week of two-a-day practice sessions. Over 80players were closely watched and evaluated by Co-Lin head footballcoach Glenn Davis and his staff.

“We’ve had pretty tough and hot two-a-days,” said Davis. “We aremaking a lot of progress. We are better in skill positions than wewere last year.”

The Wolfpack scrimmaged Saturday morning before taking a breakfrom the practice grind. Team picture day is today in StoneStadium, starting at 3 p.m.

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Evaluating his team’s scrimmage, Davis said, “We are young inthe offensive line and that has been showing up a little bit. Thekids are working hard to get better.

“We have a few kids on the defensive line who are showing usgood sophomore leadership in Jesse Bowman and Steve King,” saidDavis.

In Saturday’s scrimmage, each unit rotated after eight plays.They also worked on the kicking game.

“We are trying to evaluate kids,” said Davis. “We are working toget our numbers down to 55 (players).

Davis said Co-Lin also would have a 10-man practice squadavailable during the season.

Cedric Johnson returns at quarterback for Co-Lin.

“Cedric had a pretty good freshman year and he has improved,”said Davis. “We need to get better play out of our receivers thanlast year.

“Right now, we are banged up at that position. We have a pulledhamstring here and pulled groin there, and some sore ankles.

“We want to have our best 11 guys on the field,” added Davis. Hesaid sophomore Matthew Delaughter “was showing great leadership atfullback.”

Classes begin Monday at Co-Lin. The Wolfpack will practice at3:30 p.m. this week.

“We are ready to start working on Northwest,” said Davis.

Co-Lin kicks off its season Aug. 31, hosting Northwest CommunityCollege. Kickoff is 7 p.m. in Stone Stadium.


At Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, new headcoach Charles Anthony is learning about his team, along with somenew assistant coaches. In July, he replaced Dom Green who took ajob scouting with the NFL Carolina Panthers.

Holdovers from Green’s staff are Ryan Ross, offensivecoordinator; and Doug Lucas, defensive line coach. Recently hiredare Mark Kanopka, offensive line coach; and Clifton Collins,defensive secondary.

“Practice has been going good,” said Anthony. “We are trying toget them to understand the tempo and get them to play hard.

“The players have responded really well, so I’ve been pleased sofar.” Anthony was defensive coordinator at West Georgia lastyear.

The Bears debut Aug. 31, at Itawamba Community College inFulton.