Friday night lights something special

Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 24, 2006

The heart makes a loud, thumping sound inside the chest cavity.Pulse rates climb. Breathing becomes deeper and shouts growstronger. The rate of adrenalin flow sets a new speed record.

In Mississippi, players and fans are pumped up higher than akite for Friday night high school football. There’s nothing likeit. Fans gather at their favorite school’s football field and rootfor the home team.

Caravans of cars, pickup trucks and RV’s faithfully follow theirteams when they go on the road. High school football is a specialevent. Finally, those long sweat-soaked days of preseason practicebecome emotion-filled Friday nights.

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In small towns across the Magnolia State, football is a hot itemon Friday nights. Young and old fill the bleachers to watch theirfavorites play the game.

Lawrence County senior running back Will Harris said it best.”There ain’t nothing like Friday nights to get your blood flowing.It’s the best feeling in my 17 years.”

For sure, it is a great feeling. We know the coaches and playershave worked overtime preparing for the 2006 campaign. We wish themthe best, a successful season to say the least.

State champions, like Hazlehurst, want to repeat. State playoffteams want to make the playoffs again. Hopefuls dream of making thestate playoffs. Winless teams want to win at least one game. Itmakes life easier and a lot more fun.

We want to thank all the folks who helped make The DAILYLEADER’s 31st Annual Gridiron Preview a big success. Countlesshours were spent compiling the information. Letters were mailed.Faxes were sent and a lot of telephone calls were made. Somecoaches were unavailable, except at night, after practice. Most ofthem were very cooperative.

To tell the truth, we only encountered one head coach whorefused to divulge information about his team. To say the least, hemust have a devilish team.

Sports writers Richard Dube and James O. Covington worked extrahours writing preview football stories about area teams. Photoswere taken and deadlines were conquered. Marty Albright paginatedthe three sections and Jocelyn Jackson designed the cover page.

Thanks to the ad reps and graphics department, plus the pressroom crew for their efforts. Certainly, it was a team effort,producing the largest and most colorful edition in history.

Special thanks to my wife, Laurie, for being a patient, devotedwife during this stressful time. She’s a wonderful MVP in the gameof life.

Meanwhile, Professor Hoopla, B.S., is chomping at the bit tostart his game of football prognosticating. He’s ready to revealhis weekly list of winners on the high school and college footballscene.

Here’s a preview of this week’s winners, starting with aThursday night special.

Loyd Star at West Lincoln: A large crowdsurrounds Perry Miller Field as the Bears welcome the Hornets tothe Grizzly Den. After a close first half, it’s Loyd Star 24-8.

Franklin County at Brookhaven: Offensivefireworks are expected to light up King Field’s Monster scoreboardas the Panthers plot an ambush. Brookhaven 28-21.

Wesson at Enterprise: Cobras take their 1-2punch on the road and they overwhelm the Fighting Yellow Jackets.Wesson 41-12.

Silliman Institute at Brookhaven Academy:Cougars make a successful debut under new head coach Bo Milton.Brookhaven Academy 18-9.

North Pike at Bogue Chitto: In a closerencounter, Jaguars use a strong second half to beat the Bobcats.North Pike 28-12.

Simpson County at Copiah Academy: It’s arematch of the 2005 Class AA state championship game as theColonels enjoy revenge. Copiah 24-16.

South Pike at McComb: Rebuilding Eagles will beoutmanned by the host Tigers in C.C. Moore Stadium. McComb22-6.

West Jones at Lawrence County: Cougars havedrawn a tough season opener but the game should be close. WestJones 21-13.

Hazlehurst vs. Open Date: New head coach VernonPerry arrived late on the scene, after preseason practice began. Sothe Indians will have an extra week to prepare themselves for aseason opener at Wilkinson County in Woodville.

Write to sports editor Tom Goetz, c/o The DAILY LEADER, P.O.BOX 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602