Waste not now adds to bigger waistlines later
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 6, 2006
While Mississippi is tops in lots of things, one new distinctionis hard to get one’s arms around – so to speak: waistline growth.Yep, right here in the Magnolia State, we lead the rest of thenation in being the heaviest.
“This country fried steak sure tastes mighty fine.”
While we Mississippians “wallow” around in our newfoundnotoriety, we should be warned our neighbors to the east in Alabamaare munching their way to a close second place, followed by WestVirginia and well, the rest of the South!
“Hmmmm, pass me a little more mashed potatoes and just a touchof gravy.”
Gov. Haley Barbour, while showing great leadership duringKatrina, has too been leading the pack of Mississippi belt”looseners” in recent months. However, it should be noted he isworking on reversing the trend and even accepted a weight-losschallenge from a north Mississippi newspaper columnist.
“Well, while you’re at it, a little more cornbread and just apat of butter.”
As health care costs continue to soar, one solution according tothe Trust for America’s Health is for all of us to lose a littleweight. A report issued by the group says health care costs relatedto obesity are in the billions of dollars and that $5.6 billionalone could be saved annually in treating heart disease if justone-tenth of Americans started a walking program.
“Well now, pour me just a little more sweet tea and bring somebread pudding. I plan to walk a bit this evening when it cools downand I need some energy.”