Pantry keeps up services despite closing

Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 7, 2006

The Lincoln County Emergency Food Pantry closed its doors onTuesday, Aug. 15, due to the lack of volunteers and no facility,said the service’s longtime administrator.

“We would like to express our gratitude for all those who madeit possible for the food pantry to serve the county this long,”said W.A. Matthews, food pantry administrator. “We have given outthree-fourths of a million dollars in groceries for the past 20years.”

The food pantry began on April 1, 1986, to serve the county inemergency food distribution. Located on the corner of Highway 51North and Congress Street, the facility and its services werecreated to keep the public from having to travel from pantry topantry.

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Despite the pantry’s closure, Matthews is determined to keep theservice alive and he said emergency food will still bedistributed.

He insists that food is still available for anyone in the countyhaving an emergency. Anyone who has moved to the area, had wind orfire destroy their home, lost a job and is without a paycheck, orany other type of true emergency can receive food assistance evennow.

“If someone is having an emergency, they can call me. I willdetermine whether they qualify,” said Matthews, who will organizeeverything verbally over the phone now.

In the past, emergency food was distributed inside the foodpantry.

Now, Matthews will set up a date and time at a local grocery storeto meet with the family or individual to write the check for theirgroceries.

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. will be the most likely time forgrocery appointments. Those who qualify receive a specific numberof canned goods and staple products.

Emergency food will not be as limited as in the past. Those in trueneed can get the grocery items of their choice now.

The program is not designed to be given as a type of food stamp.The food pantry is funded by the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency (which is based on the unemployment of Lincoln County),United Way, Perkins Foundation, local churches and individualcontributions. Brookhaven Ministerial Association sponsors thepantry.

If anyone has an emergency and needs assistance, he or she can callMatthews at (601) 833-8435 for information on obtaininggroceries.

“I was there from the beginning, and I am the only one left,” saidMatthews.