Parade brings out patriotic spirit

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Children lined the street in Wesson Monday morning waving flagsand banners while chanting “U … S …. A” at the top of theirlittle lungs as flag-draped bicycles and Big Wheels rolled downHighway 51.

Adults lined Highway 51 south of the church, but theintersection of Highway 51 and Spring Street thronged with smilingkindergartners from Wesson Attendance Center, whose voices filleddowntown Wesson with a love of country.

Wesson Baptist Church’s annual Patriotic Parade festooned thestreet in red, white and blue. Parents of the church’s preschoolclasses marched in the parade beside their sons and daughters.

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The bicycle ridden by 3-year-old Jadon Carr was a familyproject, said his mother, Cherron Carr. They were helped byCherron’s older daughter, Emilee Scoggin, and by in-laws Mike andDonna Carr.

The Patriotic Parade is a Wesson tradition that has continuedfor many years, but never had a set date, Cherron Carr said.However, four years ago the Patriotic Parade was merged with aparade commemorating the heroism of Sept. 11, 2001, and they becameinseparable.

The date’s significance was mostly lost on the children, but notthe spirit of the day.

“(Jadon Carr) does know about the spirit of America, but hedoesn’t really understand what 9/11 was all about,” his mothersaid. “Hopefully, in another year or two we can explain about 9/11.They can’t comprehend that kind of evil in the world at this youngage. He’s very patriotic, though.”

Ben and Shanna Bufkin helped their 3-year-old daughter,Elizabeth, participate in the parade. Shanna Bufkin also believedher daughter enjoyed celebrating America, but did not grasp themeaning behind the date.

“She kind of knows, but she doesn’t really understand yet,”Bufkin said. “But she had a lot of fun and I think she’s wornout.”