Carr watching over MSU women’s sports
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 13, 2006
With motherly concern, Ann Sanders Carr watches over women’sathletics and their academic progress at Mississippi StateUniversity. She recently was named Senior Woman Administrator byMSU Director of Athletics Larry Templeton.
Carr, 38, a 1986 Brookhaven High School graduate, was a 4-yearstarter for the MSU women’s basketball team. A 6-footer, she playedthe forward/post position for the Lady Bulldogs. After graduationfrom MSU, she remained on campus as an academic advisor in theathletic department.
“Basically, I’m over all the women’s sports,” answered Carr,when asked to describe her job. “I’m right under Larry Templeton. Ioversee women’s sports facilities. I make sure we are keeping upand providing for our women’s sports on campus.”
A veteran of 12 years in athletic administration, Carr succeedsSamye Johnson who retired. Carr is in her second stint within theMSU athletic department. She had served as assistant AthleticDirector for Student Life. She worked with personal development ofstudent-athletes in addition to continuing her priorresponsibilities as as academic counselor.
“We have some very competitive women’s sports teams,” saidSanders. “Academically we have some very outstanding young ladieswho are performing in the class room.
“We want to make sure we are taking care of academics when wemeet with parents and promote our program.”
In the highly competitive world of college athletics, theSoutheastern Conference produces some of the best teams in thenation. Providing top-of-the-line facilities for the athletes is apriority in the SEC, as well as other conferences.
“We want to make sure that our facilities are competitive,” saidSanders. “Locker rooms and playing fields are top notch.
“When you come on our campus. see the gates at soccer and thechairback seats at the softball complex. We have a great commitmentto women’s athletics.”
A recent addition to the MSU athletic family is catcher MeganBateman of Brookhaven. Bateman starred for BHS and Copiah-LincolnCommunity College before earning a scholarship at State.
Carr is the daughter of J.C. and Mamie Sanders of Brookhaven.She has a half-brother, Eric Sanders; and a half-sister, SherryWashington. She also has a 9-year-old daughter, Khristian.
Carr set the individual scoring record at BHS her senior year.She scored 44 points and grabbed 22 rebounds versus SouthNatchez.