Caution urged after rash of ATV thefts
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Several unrelated thefts of four-wheelers have prompted theLincoln County Sheriff’s Department to urge residents to becautious in storing their all-terrain vehicles.
“Hunting season is getting close and thefts of these vehiclesseem to go up around this time of year,” said Capt. JohnnyHall.
Hall said he is encouraging residents to chain theirfour-wheelers or keep them close to the house undersurveillance.
“Never leave the key in them,” he said.
Those preventative measures may not completely protect thevehicle from theft, Hall said, but it does make the crime moredifficult and discourages potential thieves.
The warning comes following several unrelated thefts offour-wheelers in the past few weeks.
A four-wheeler was stolen Sunday from the front of a residenceon Highway 84, Hall said. The vehicle was for sale and had beenplaced near the road to advertise its availability.
Sunday’s theft is still under investigation, he said.
Two four-wheelers were stolen about two weeks ago fromresidences, Hall said. Both of those vehicles have been recoveredand a suspect is in custody on grand larceny charges.