Help United Way reach goal
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 13, 2006
United Way of Lincoln County campaign leaders are entering thehome stretch toward reaching the charitable organization’sfundraising goal of $197,000.
It is a worthy goal and one that Lincoln Countians should helpthe organization achieve.
As campaign chairman Chris Thurman said recently, United Way isthe sole or major funding source for more than 20 localorganizations.
Those organizations include the American Red Cross, Boy Scouts,Brookhaven Recreation Department, Fellowship of Christian Athletes,Southwest Mississippi Mental Health, Girl Scouts, Boswell GroupHome, Boys and Girls Club of Lincoln County, Outreach Ministries,Emergency Food, Lincoln County United Way Emergency Relief Agency,Widows and Orphans Center, Guardian Shelter for Battered Familiesand Shelter for Sexual Assault, ROTAP, Brookhaven Beautiful,Sunshine Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, Pee Wee Football, BigBrothers/Big Sisters and Brookhaven Animal Rescue League. All areinvolved in helping to make Brookhaven, Lincoln County andSouthwest Mississippi better.
Those efforts are aided greatly by United Way, and United Waydepends on contributions from the community. Please consider givingand helping United Way reach its goal.