Parade still scheduled for tonight

Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 30, 2006

The threat of rain tonight has brought some uncertainty toorganizers of the Brookhaven Christmas Parade, but there were noplans to cancel it this morning.

“We’re just going to watch it all day. If we have to call it,we’ll make that decision much later today,” said Rita Rich,president of the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce,which sponsors the parade. “We’re very optimistic. Right now, wethink we’ll be OK. We’re hoping it will not deter anyone fromparticipating.”

Weather reports indicate the possibility of rain throughout theday, but it’s hard to draw a conclusion on whether it will rainaround the parade’s start time at 7 p.m., Rich said. And, she said,should the parade tonight be canceled there is no rescheduling.

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“If we don’t have it tonight, it’ll be off entirely,” Rich said.”We can’t just reschedule it. The bands will not be able to returnor floats may get wet. It’s just impossible to predict.”

An attempt in a previous year to reschedule the parade after itwas called off for rain was not very successful, she said. Both thenumber of participants and spectators were very low.

In other cases, however, Rich said she could recall similarcases to today when it rained hard all day, but cleared in time forthe parade.

“You just never know,” she said.

This year’s parade looks like a good one, Rich said. Organizerswere busy this morning planning the lineup.

“We have a big parade this year. It’s a very nice lineup,” shesaid.

The parade will follow its normal downtown route, beginning atthe post office on West Cherokee Street and ending on MonticelloStreet.

Streets along the parade route and in the staging area, most ofthe downtown area, will be closed at 5:30 p.m. Thursday inpreparation for the parade, Rich said.

A vacant lot at the intersection of Highway 51 and BrookwayBoulevard will serve as the staging area for entries involvinglivestock, she said.

Former Mayor Doug Sullivan will serve as parade grand marshal.Santa Claus, the guest of honor, will close out the parade, Richsaid.