Six join local races
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 29, 2007
An incumbent and former supervisor were among six candidates whoplaced their names on ballots recently for Lawrence Countypolitical offices.
Incumbent Lawrence County Schools Superintendent Russell Caudillannounced his intentions to reclaim his seat. He is beingchallenged by David A. “Tony” Davis and Tammy Givens Fairburn.
Former District One Supervisor Carey Hedgepeth has qualified toreclaim the seat he lost four years ago to incumbent SteveGarrett.
Gregory Sutton also joined the list of potential supervisorswhen he qualified to challenge incumbent District Five SupervisorArchie Ross.
Incumbent Tax Assessor/Collector Sherry Hyde Thames picked upher first challenge recently when Tracey Foster Carney filed herqualifying papers. Carney served in the office for seven yearsduring a previous administration.
Incumbent Coroner Sidney Fortenberry also picked up his firstchallenger recently when Dereck Prestridge filed his qualifyingpapers for the office.
Justice Court bailiff Buddy Wilson filed papers to challengeClaude H. Wallace for constable Post Two. Incumbent Brad Davis hasnot qualified.
The qualifying period ends March 1.
The 2007 elections include nearly all county and state offices.Primaries will be held Aug. 7 with an Aug. 28 runoff, if necessary.The general election will be held Nov. 6.
No candidate has qualified as a Republican.
Other candidates who have qualified for office include:
* District Two Supervisor: Incumbent Billy Joe Boutwell andIndependent Gloria O. Billiot.
* District Three Supervisor: John Bull, Eric King, Jerry WayneSmithie and Jerry L. Wallace.
* District Four Supervisor: Incumbent Glenn Grubbs and StanleyL. Stephens.
* Sheriff: Incumbent Joel Thames, Duane R. “Doc” Bradford, HoytDampier and Charles White Jr.
* Circuit Clerk: James “Sandy” Brister, Patsy Bullock and StevenA. Moreman.
* Chancery Court Clerk: Incumbent Kevin Rayborn.
* Justice Court Judge, Post One: Incumbent Albert Turnage.
* Justice Court Judge, Post Two: Incumbent Donald G. “Donnie”Mullins.
* Constable Post One: Incumbent Lessie Butler.
* Constable Post Two: Claude H. Wallace.
* County Attorney: Damond Ready.