The DAILY LEADER captures 27 awards
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The DAILY LEADER advertising and graphics staff came home with27 awards from the Mississippi Press Association’s Mid-WinterConference in Jackson Saturday.
“The number of awards we won shows the dedication and quality weput into all of our efforts,” said Bill Jacobs, publisher. “Thiswould not have been possible without our advertisers and weappreciate their confidence in our newspaper. I would also like tothank our staff for the excellent work they’ve done.”
The newspaper, competing in the Daily Division C category,captured six first place awards, including Best Section or EditionDedicated to an Editorial Topic for the popular Focus issue.
“Focus celebrated its 15th year in 2006 and we’re especiallyproud to win this award on such a significant anniversary,” Jacobssaid.
Also winning first place awards were Carrie Bergeron and theGraphics Department for Best Classified Page or Section; JimmieCain for Best Display Classified Ad; David Culpepper for BestInstitutional Advertisement using spot or process color; GlynnaBroxson and Jocelyn Jackson for Best Series of Ads; and Broxson andCain for Best Service Ad using spot or process color.
The DAILY LEADER captured second place for the coveted BestPrint Quality Award. The award pits all newspapers in the state,regardless of size, in open competition.
Other second place award winners included Jason Reeves andCulpepper for Best Automobile Ad using color; Cain for Best HouseAd-Editorial; Carol Teasley for Best Institutional Ad using color;Cain and Reeves for Best Series of Ads; Teasley and Reeves for BestService Advertisement, black and white; Broxson for Best SingleRetail Advertisement, black and white; and Cain and Reeves for BestSmall Space Ad.
Competing in the same category as Focus, The DAILY LEADER’sGridiron edition, covering area football, won a third place awardfor Best Section or Edition Dedicated to an Editorial Topic.
Other third place winners were Broxson and Cain for BestClassified Display Ad; the graphics department for Best HouseAd-Classified; Jacobs and Cain for Best Overall NewspaperPromotion; Christian Krueger and Jackson for Best Retail Ad, color;Broxson and Jackson for Best Service Ad, black and white; and Cainand Reeves for Best Small Space Ad.
In competition with all daily newspapers for Best NichePublication, The DAILY LEADER’s Newcomer Magazine received anhonorable mention.
Other honorable mentions went to Broxson and the GraphicsDepartment for Best Grocery or Restaurant Ad, color; ReganBarksdale for Best House Ad-Circulation; Reeves for Best HouseAd-Retail Advertising; Broxson and Reeves for Best Service Ad,color; and Broxson and Jackson for Best Service Advertisement,black and white.