Help needed for continued Scholars program success
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 6, 2007
In the coming weeks, business leaders and volunteers will bevisiting area classrooms to encourage students to pursue theMississippi Scholars curriculum.
The initiative is a wonderful way to challenge all students -not just those who make straight As and are bound for college – topursue a more stringent curriculum that will better prepare themfor life after high school. Students who accept the challenge arerecognized at graduation and can receive scholarships and othertangible benefits, not to mention the lifetime benefits of a morewell-rounded education.
For this to become a reality, however, volunteers and financialassistance are needed.
The Chamber of Commerce, which is leading the local MississippiScholars effort, has approximately 25 openings that need to befilled by volunteers willing to go make classroom presentations.Please consider volunteering for the program.
Short of volunteering for classroom presentations, a financialcontribution to help pay for scholarships and other means ofscholar recognition would be an excellent way to support theprogram. Eight students received scholarships last year andorganizers are hoping to award more scholarships this year.
Contact the Chamber of Commerce for more information on how tohelp our Mississippi Scholars.